
Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption is unavailable, but you can change that!

Do your students view the world through biblical lenses? Are they equipped to engage the world with scriptural discernment? Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption is a tool that helps teachers equip 11th or 12th grade students with a Christian understanding of all major academic disciplines and cultural arenas.

One of the big points of this first unit on worldview will be that people tend to use superficial, head-level arguments to cover up deeper, heart-level reasons for turning from God. And those heart reasons can be very powerful. People in this world are hurting, and many blame God. If He’s so powerful and so good, why does He let such evil and painful things happen to me? That argument is probably at least as common (if not more common) among unbelievers than the pro-evolution arguments used by the
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